Новая жизнь Романчо началась несколько лет назад, когда заброшенное здание площадью 3000 квадратных метров было решено превратить в культурный центр. Оно было почти полностью реконструировано или, вернее сказать, восстановлено. Впрочем, о старых временах напоминает былой индустриальный цвет. некоторые элементы декора, оставшиеся от “прошлой жизни” и, конечно же, название. Сегодня здесь проходят концерты, театральные представления и выставки, в подвале находится звукозаписывающая студия, а на верхних (их всего четыре) этажах располагаются дизайнерские студии. На первом этаже имеется кафе-бар, где любят встречаться молодые творческие личности.
Подобных заброшенных зданий в Афинах немало и история Романчо - это своего рода новый тренд. Славная история, затем запустение и небытие, а теперь возрождение. Со старым именем, но с новой концепцией. И определенно, с планами на будущее.
Как добраться до Культурного центра Романчо:
- на метро, станция Омония
Улица Анаксагора 3-5
Фото и текст: Александр Фролов
Sandwiched between old buildings, shops and crafts in the heart of Athens, the Romantso is the new cultural center of the city. In the decades ‘30s till ‘80s, this building was the house of “Romantso”, the most popular Greek magazine of the era (especially during ‘70s and ‘80s), which had identified with the lifestyle of the first postwar generation of the uptown. Apart from the legendary “Romantso”, here is where other popular Greek magazines have been published as well, such as “Pantheon” and “Vendetta”. The fairy tale ended in 1987 and the building was relegated to a file-storage.
Just a few years ago though, the old, almost abandoned building of the 3,000 square meters, was revived. It was renovated (or maybe better to say restored), maintaining solid the old industrial color, and acquired a new identity. Today the Romantso (yes, it kept its old name, along with the memories of its glorious past), operates as a cultural multipurpose center: As musical stage and record studio on the basement, as cultural center on the ground floor (hosting musical concerts and theatrical performances), while its cafe bar is an artistic meeting point, as gallery on the first floor, and as workspace of various sizes and needs on the second, third and forth floor. Actually on these last floors is where the cultural cradle of the Romantso works. Here is where creative professionals of various business premises have their own house in order to think, get inspired and create.
And that is how the old, previously abandoned neighborhood around the building turned into the new hot spot of Athens. And we must say that definitely the present and the future seem to be even better than the past, at least in this case.
Romantso, 3-5 Anaxagora Street, Athens, metro station Omonoia
Τext: Marilou Pantazi