Дельфийский оракул
Практически в каждом рассказе, связанным с древнегреческой историей, есть упоминание Дельфийского оракула. И это не случайно. Оракулов в Греции было немало - например, Додонский или Милетский, но Делфийский был самым известным. Способствовала этому история связанная с царем Крезом. Крез, царь Лидии, считался самым богатым властителем на свете. Надумал он воевать с Персией, но начинать войну без предсказания оракула в те времена не было принято. Что бы понять какой из них надежней, Крез послал гонцов ко всем существовавшим тогда оракулам. Всем посланцем было велено отсчитать сотый день с момента отправления и спросить - что делает в этот момент Крез. Именно ответ Дельфийского оказался правильным.
Возник оракул таким образом. На пастбище паслись козы. Одна из них отбилась от стада и начала биться о землю. Пастух пошел за ней, но когда подошел к ней - сам начал бесноваться как животное. Тогда на этом месте была обнаружена расщелина, из которой шли дурманящие пары, подышав которыми человек делался безумным. Жрецы, посовещавшись сказали, что это то самое место, где бог Аполлон убил дракона Пифона. Здесь было решено выстроить храм, а над расщелиной посадить прорицательницу, которая, надышавшись паром, будет предсказывать будущее. Так был построен храм Аполлона в Дельфах. В середине него лежал овальный камень - “пуп земли”. Считалось, что Зевс для того что бы найти центр мира, выпустил двух голубок с запада и с востока навстречу друг другу и встретились они как раз над этим камнем.
Древнейшие находки в Дельфах датируются эпохой неолита - это 4000 год до н.э.. Согласно археологическим данным, объектом поклонения в Дельфах начиная примерно с 1600 г. до н. э. было женское божество, связанное с культом Матери Земли. Около 1100 г. это поселение пришло в упадок.
Дельфы стали играть роль общегреческого святилища в VII - VI веках до н.э.. Именн тогда авторитет Делфийского оракула в греческом мире стал незыблем - без него почти не принималось никаких серьезных решений решений, касающихся политики и религии. Тут начиная с VI века раз в четыре года стали проводиться Пифийские игры, вторые по значимости после олимпийских. Во время их проведения устанавливалось священное перемирие. Именно в тот период Дельфы стали в сознании греков своего рода духовной столицей. Благодаря такому статусу, город стал центром кредитных операций. Влияние Дельф уже с конца V века начало ослабевать, хотя они по-прежнему считались главным общегреческим святилищем. В 290 г. до н. э. власть над Дельфами перешла к Этолийскому союзу, а затем Риму. В 80-е годы I века до н.э. город был разграблен фракийскими племенами. Последние известные обращения к оракулу относятся к III веку н.э., а окончательно он был запрещён в 394 году римским императором Феодосием I.
Археологические исследования в Дельфах началась в 1860 году. Тогда было обнаружено порядка 3 тысяч артефактов (преимущественно надписей), проливающих свет на жизнь древнего города. Сегодня работы на двух участках дельфийского святилища продолжает Французская Школа в сотрудничестве с Греческой археологической службой. А важнейшие археологические находки этого места можно увидеть в местном археологическом музее.
Остановиться тут можно в одноименной деревне, всего в 2 километрах или в приморском городке Галаксиди - это 40 минут на машине.
01. Римская Агора
02. Короли Аргоса
03. Сокровищница Сифносцев
04. Сокровищница Беотийцев
05-06. Пуп Земли, камень - символ Дельфов
07-08. Стоя Афинян
09. Камень Севиллы, на котором сидел прорицатель
10. Вулефтерион, здание казначейства
11. Сфинкс Наксоса
12. Халос
13-14. Стоя Афинян
15. Алтарь Хинийцев
16-17-18 Храм Апполона
19. Колонна Пруссиуса
20. Дельфийский театр
21. Подношения Кратерийцев
22. Весна Касталии. Дельфийский фонтан
23. Гимназия
24. Святилище Афины Пронаи
Дельфийский оракул, префектура Фокида
Часы посещения: ежедневно 8:00-15:00 (последний запуск 14:30)
Цена билета: 6 евро, 3 евро льготный. Комплексный билет для посещения археологических раскопок и археологического музея стоит 9 евро, 5 евро льготный
Каждое первое воскресенье в зимний период вход бесплатный
Как добраться до археологических раскопок Дельфийского оракула:
- на машине из Афин (178 км) по национальной трассе Ε75/Α1, далее по трассе Ливадия-Амфиса ΕΟ48
- на машине из Салоников (380 км) по трассе E75
- на автобусе из Афин с автовокзала Лиссион (260 Liossion Avenue) до города Дельфы,
автовокзал в Дельфах: ул. Фраггу 14, тел. 210 22650 82317
Из Дельфов до археологических раскопок на такси (2 км)
Фото и текст: Александр Фролов
The Oracle of Delphi
The Oracle of Delphi was the most important oracle of the ancient world. Located at the foot of Mount Parnassus, in an evocative landscape formed by the twin rocks known as Faidriades, it was considered the navel of the world. The reason is that, according to the mythology, when Zeus left two eagles to fly free, one to the east and one to the west, they met at Delphi. This majestic oracle was dedicated to Apollo, although there was also another sanctuary in the area, which was dedicated to Athena. The famous Pythia was the median, who communicated with the god in order to give the prophecies, which were recorded and were always ambiguous. The people who sought a prophecy from Pythia were called “theopropes”. According to the ritual of the Oracle, they should had been initially cleaned with water from the Castalian spring, have paid a certain tax, called “pelanos”, and have also provided and sacrificed an animal in the temple of Apollo, usually a
goat. The animal should have been healthy, with no defect, while the necessary omen to enable Pythia to give a prophecy was the animal to begin tremble, after it had been moistened with cold water. These prophecies were considered as law in the ancient Greek world, making the Oracle of Delphi a kind of ref about very important issues such as wars or colonization. That was what made this Oracle so powerful and so rich as well. The decline of the Oracle of Delphi began with the philosophical movement of rationality in the 3rd century BC, however, the rituals continued unchanged until the second century AD, in the era of Hadrian. It was in 394 AD though when the Oracle was decidedly abolished by decree of the Byzantine emperor Theodosius.
The research in the archaeological site of Delphi began in 1860 and brought to light impressive finds, among which about 3,000 inscriptions that reveal different aspects of the ancient public life. Today, the excavation and the restoration work in the area are continued. Coming from Athens, the first sanctuary you will see is the one of Athena Pronaia. Here is where the famous Dome with the circular building stands (a masterpiece of classical architecture, of which, however, we ignore the use), along with the ruins of the three temples of the goddess. Unfortunately, these days the visit to this sanctuary is not permitted, so you can only admire it from above the street. A few meters away, there is the imposing sanctuary of Apollo, which was the central and most important point of the Oracle of Delphi. The remnants of the Roman Agora will welcome you in the site, followed by a dozen of impressive buildings which were built in the area around the temple of
Apollo, such as the Treasuries, which were temples dedicated to the god, in gratitude for his help. The most majestic of them was the Athenian Treasury, which was built by the Athenians and it is the only completely restored building in the sanctuary, giving us an idea of the grandeur of the oracle of Delphi. Among the other important buildings, that you can still see their remnants, there are the Siphnian Treasury, the Sikyonian Treasury, the Boeotian Treasury, the Stoa of the Athenian, the Vouleftirion (Council House), the altar of Apollo, the theater, the gymnasium, the Polygonal wall of Delphi, and naturally the unique Temple of Apollo, which was the most important building in the sanctuary and the place where Pythia has been giving the prophecies. Words are too poor though to describe the energy you will feel at this place and the amazement you will feel seeing the remnants of the Oracle who affected that much the decisions and the life of the
ancient Greeks for centuries.
The Oracle of Delphi, Delphi, prefecture of Phocis, Central Greece. Visiting hours: Daily, 8:00-15:00 (last entrance 14:30). Ticket prices: (Full) 6 euros, (Ruduced) 3 euros. Unified ticket: (Full) 9 euros, (Reduced) 5 euros (valid for the Archaeological site of Delphi and the Archaeological Museum of Delphi).
How to get there: By car from Athens (distance 178 km) via Α/Δ ΠΑΘΕ/E75/Α1 and National Road Livadeia-Amfissa/ΕΟ48, from Thessaloniki (distance 380 km) via E75. By bus from Athens to the city of Delphi: Athens Bus Station (260 Liossion Avenue, Athens) tel.: +30 210 83 17 096, Delphi Bus Station (14 D. Fraggou St., Delphi) tel.: 210 22650 82317. From Delphi you can go by taxi to the archaeological site (distance 2 km).
01 The Roman Agora
02 The Kings of Argos
03 TheTreasury of the Sicyonians
04 The Treasury of the Boeotians
05-06 The Navel of Delphi (the symbol of Delphi)
07-08 The Treasury of the Athenians
09 The Sibyl rock (on which a median was sitting to give her prophecies. Sibyl was another name for the medians)
10 The Council House (Vouleftirion)
11 The Sfinx of Naxions (a dedication of the people of Naxos)
12 The Halos
13-14 The Stoa of Athenians
15 The Altar of the Chians
16-17-18 The Temple of Apollo
19 The Column of Proussios
20 The Theater of Delphi
21 Offering of Crateros
22 The Spring of Castalia
23 The Gymnasium
24 The Sanctuary of Athena Pronaia
Τext: Marilou Pantazi
The Oracle of Delphi was the most important oracle of the ancient world. Located at the foot of Mount Parnassus, in an evocative landscape formed by the twin rocks known as Faidriades, it was considered the navel of the world. The reason is that, according to the mythology, when Zeus left two eagles to fly free, one to the east and one to the west, they met at Delphi. This majestic oracle was dedicated to Apollo, although there was also another sanctuary in the area, which was dedicated to Athena. The famous Pythia was the median, who communicated with the god in order to give the prophecies, which were recorded and were always ambiguous. The people who sought a prophecy from Pythia were called “theopropes”. According to the ritual of the Oracle, they should had been initially cleaned with water from the Castalian spring, have paid a certain tax, called “pelanos”, and have also provided and sacrificed an animal in the temple of Apollo, usually a
goat. The animal should have been healthy, with no defect, while the necessary omen to enable Pythia to give a prophecy was the animal to begin tremble, after it had been moistened with cold water. These prophecies were considered as law in the ancient Greek world, making the Oracle of Delphi a kind of ref about very important issues such as wars or colonization. That was what made this Oracle so powerful and so rich as well. The decline of the Oracle of Delphi began with the philosophical movement of rationality in the 3rd century BC, however, the rituals continued unchanged until the second century AD, in the era of Hadrian. It was in 394 AD though when the Oracle was decidedly abolished by decree of the Byzantine emperor Theodosius.
The research in the archaeological site of Delphi began in 1860 and brought to light impressive finds, among which about 3,000 inscriptions that reveal different aspects of the ancient public life. Today, the excavation and the restoration work in the area are continued. Coming from Athens, the first sanctuary you will see is the one of Athena Pronaia. Here is where the famous Dome with the circular building stands (a masterpiece of classical architecture, of which, however, we ignore the use), along with the ruins of the three temples of the goddess. Unfortunately, these days the visit to this sanctuary is not permitted, so you can only admire it from above the street. A few meters away, there is the imposing sanctuary of Apollo, which was the central and most important point of the Oracle of Delphi. The remnants of the Roman Agora will welcome you in the site, followed by a dozen of impressive buildings which were built in the area around the temple of
Apollo, such as the Treasuries, which were temples dedicated to the god, in gratitude for his help. The most majestic of them was the Athenian Treasury, which was built by the Athenians and it is the only completely restored building in the sanctuary, giving us an idea of the grandeur of the oracle of Delphi. Among the other important buildings, that you can still see their remnants, there are the Siphnian Treasury, the Sikyonian Treasury, the Boeotian Treasury, the Stoa of the Athenian, the Vouleftirion (Council House), the altar of Apollo, the theater, the gymnasium, the Polygonal wall of Delphi, and naturally the unique Temple of Apollo, which was the most important building in the sanctuary and the place where Pythia has been giving the prophecies. Words are too poor though to describe the energy you will feel at this place and the amazement you will feel seeing the remnants of the Oracle who affected that much the decisions and the life of the
ancient Greeks for centuries.
The Oracle of Delphi, Delphi, prefecture of Phocis, Central Greece. Visiting hours: Daily, 8:00-15:00 (last entrance 14:30). Ticket prices: (Full) 6 euros, (Ruduced) 3 euros. Unified ticket: (Full) 9 euros, (Reduced) 5 euros (valid for the Archaeological site of Delphi and the Archaeological Museum of Delphi).
How to get there: By car from Athens (distance 178 km) via Α/Δ ΠΑΘΕ/E75/Α1 and National Road Livadeia-Amfissa/ΕΟ48, from Thessaloniki (distance 380 km) via E75. By bus from Athens to the city of Delphi: Athens Bus Station (260 Liossion Avenue, Athens) tel.: +30 210 83 17 096, Delphi Bus Station (14 D. Fraggou St., Delphi) tel.: 210 22650 82317. From Delphi you can go by taxi to the archaeological site (distance 2 km).
01 The Roman Agora
02 The Kings of Argos
03 TheTreasury of the Sicyonians
04 The Treasury of the Boeotians
05-06 The Navel of Delphi (the symbol of Delphi)
07-08 The Treasury of the Athenians
09 The Sibyl rock (on which a median was sitting to give her prophecies. Sibyl was another name for the medians)
10 The Council House (Vouleftirion)
11 The Sfinx of Naxions (a dedication of the people of Naxos)
12 The Halos
13-14 The Stoa of Athenians
15 The Altar of the Chians
16-17-18 The Temple of Apollo
19 The Column of Proussios
20 The Theater of Delphi
21 Offering of Crateros
22 The Spring of Castalia
23 The Gymnasium
24 The Sanctuary of Athena Pronaia
Τext: Marilou Pantazi