Храм Святой Марины

Находящийся на Холме муз храм Агия Марина (Святой Марины) был построен в 1924-1927 годах. Однако, история этого храма более длинная и ведется с XIII века. Изначально он был высечен в скале, на том месте, где в древности находился резервуар для воды.
В современном храме Святой Марины можно увидеть множество артефактов из старого храма, который находился в скале. По большому счету - это своего рода музей скального храма, который, кстати, тоже сохранился. В числе этих предметов: сохранившийся алтарь, множество икон XIII, XVII и XVIII веков, картины. Новое мраморное здание находится на возвышении и видно практически из любой точки района Тиссио. Оба храма считаются историческими памятниками.

Как добраться до храма Святой Марины в Афинах:
- на метро, станция Тиссио, ул. Агия Марина, 1

Фото и текст: Александр Фролов

Church of Agia Marina of Thiseio
Built on the Hill of the Nymphs, the beautiful church of Agia Marina has a very interesting story. The current church, which is a registered cruciform with a large central dome and four smaller ones, was built in 1924-1927.

However, before the church was built, there was an ancient temple dug into the rock, which they incorporated into the new church. This temple is dated back to 13th century and in its interior it is said that an ancient icon of Agia Marina has been found. It is believed that this temple was used for worshiping ceremonies in the Pro-Christianic Era, while after the Middle Ages it became Christianic. It is also believed that in the antiquity, at the site of the church there was a water tank.

Besides its rich past, the church of Agia Marina also worth a visit due to the preserved altar of the ancient temple, the preserved icons and the paintings of the 13th, 17th and 18th century and the swabs from various different periods that have been found during the works of restoration. The marble temple of the church is remarkable, while the newest paintings were made by the known hagiographers Grekos and brothers Soutsou.

Both the new and the ancient church of Agia Marina have been declared historical monuments.

Church of Agia Marina of Thiseio, 1 Agias Marinas street, Thiseio, Athens, metro station Thiseio.

Τext: Marilou Pantazi
