Стоя Эвмена
Во II веке н.э. западная часть строения была соединена с Одеоном Герода Аттика. В таком виде конструкция просуществовала до III века, а затем разрушена. Строительный материал был использован для строительства крепостных стен пост-римского периода. Стоя была найдена археологами в период 1877-78 годов.
Как добраться до южного склона Акрополя:
- на метро, станция Акрополи
Часы работы: 8:00-20:00, цена билета: 2 евро
Также возможен вход по билету за 12 евро, дающего право посещения Акрополя и всех важнейших археологических сайтов Афин. В их число входят: Древняя агора, Римская агора, Кладбище Керамейкос, Храм Зевса Олимпийского, Библиотека Адриана и другие.
Фото и текст: Александр Фролов
Stoa of Eumenes
Between the Theater of Dionysus and the Odeion of Herodus Atticus, in the south slope of Acropolis, there is another monument that worth a visit.
The Stoa of Eumenes was a gift to the Athenians by the king of Pergamon, Eumenes B’, around 160 BC. Since it was very close to the theater, it was used either as shelter for the spectators if the weather was too bad or as warehouse for the theatrical scenes.
The Stoa was a two-storey building, with a length of 163 m. and a width of 17,65 m. The facade of the ground floor was formed by a colonnade of 64 Doric columns, while in the middle of the range there was a series of 32 Ionic columns. The Stoa of Eumenes is very similar to the Stoa of Attalus in the Ancient Agora of Athens, probably because the second one was a gift of the brother of Eumenes B’, Attalus B’.
According to the findings, the biggest part of the Stoa of Eumenes was built by a kind of marble, found only in the ancient buildings of Pergamon. Actually, none of the other ancient Athenian buildings has been built by this material. It is also believed that the majority of the parts of the edifice had been constructed in Pergamon and have been transferred in Athens.
During the 2nd century AD, the west end of the Stoa had been connected to the Odeion of Herodus Atticus via a scale. The building was in use until the 3rd century AD. Then it was destroyed and its building material had been used for the construction of the Post-Roman walls.
The remains of the Stoa of Eumenes had been found in 1877-78. It is part of the monuments of the South Slope of Acropolis.
Stoa of Eumenes, South Slope of Acropolis, Athens, metro station Acropolis. Visiting hours: Daily, 8:00-20:00. Last entrance: 19:30. Ticket prices: Full: 2 euros, Reduced: 1 euro. Special ticket package: Full: 12 euros, Reduced: 6 euros. Valid for: Acropolis of Athens, Ancient Agora of Athens - Areopagus, Archaeological Museum of Kerameikos, Hadrian’s Library, North Slope of Acropolis, Kerameikos, Museum of the Ancient Agora of Athens, South Slope of Acropolis, Olympieion, Roman Agora of Athens.