Пещера Перама
Вместе с гидом, который также говорит на английском, вы проделаете сказочный путь длинной 1,5 километра и увидите множество видов сталактитов и сталагмитов, которые растут сверху вниз и снизу вверх. Кроме того, тут можно увидеть кости и зубы пещерных медведей. Само путешествие будет незабываемым опытом погружения в волшебный подземный мир, мир природных декораций.
Постоянная температура пещеры составляет + 17°C, а температура воды (да, тут есть небольшое подземное озеро) - +14°C.
Как добраться до пещеры Перама:
- на машине из Янины (4,6 км) по трассе E92/EO6
- на автобусе из Янины, маршрут Янина-Перама, остановка на главной площади Янины под часами
Часы работы: 9:00-17:00
Цена билета: 7 евро, 5,5 евро - групповой, школьники - 3,5 евро
Адрес: ул. Спилиу, Перама, тел. +30 26510 81 521
Фото и текст: Александр Фролов
Perama Cave
It is considered as one of the most great caves in the world and is definitely one of the biggest highlights of Ioannina, since is located just 4 km from the city center.
It was created about 1,500,000 years ago, inside the Goritsas hill, right above the today’s village of Perama. This amazing miracle of nature, however, was a very well hidden secret for hundrends of centuries, since it was discovered only in 1940 and was explored in 1956 by the spelaeologists Anna and Ioannis Petrochilos. Nevertheless, a few years after its discovery, in 1944, it was used as a shelter by the Greeks during the Greek-Italian War.
A visit to this cave will leave you speechless. In a magical route of about 1,500 meters, you will meet various halls, all richly decorated by the nature. Stalactites hanging from the roofs of the rocks, stalagmites emerging from the soil, helictites and cave pearl in various forms and colors will welcome you in a fairy-tale world. Among the most impressive things you will see in the cave, there are also the fossilized bones and teeth of a rare species of bear, known as bear cave, which was found there for the first time.
The best human creator could never even think, imagine and create the masterpieces that only nature can give us. So it is needless to say that a visit to this cave can only be an unrepeatable experience.
Perama Cave, 19 Spilaiou Street, Perama, Prefecture of Ioannina, Epirus. Visiting hours: 9:00-17:00. Ticket prices: Single 7 euros, Group 5,50 euros, Students 3,50 euros. Tel.: +30 26510 81 521.
How to get there: By car from Ioannina (distance 4,6 km) via E92/EO6. By bus from Ioannina, bus line Ioannina-Perama, starting point next to the Clock, Ioannina Central Square.
Τext: Marilou Pantazi