Арка Адриана
В 1778 году, во время турецкого правления, Арка Адриана была частью восточного укрепления Афин. Тогда она была превращена во входные ворота и имела название «Дверь принцессы». В наши дни от укреплений ничего не осталось, а триумфальная по-прежнему радует своей изящностью жителей города
Как добраться до Арки Адриана:
- на метро, станция Акрополи, проспект Амалии, с внешней стороны Олимпиона
Фото и текст: Александр Фролов
Arch of Hadrian
The imposing Arch of Hadrian was a gift of Athenians to the Roman emperor Hadrian, as a token of gratitude for his many benefactions to the city. Situated outside the precinct of the Olympeion, this triumphal monument was built in 131-132 AD and was entirely made of Pentelic marble.
It was a kind of landmark between the old and the new city that was built by Hadrian, since at this location there was an ancient road that connected Athens with the Parilissia Sanctuaries (which was an area that extended south of the Olympeion along the banks of the river Ilissos and the modern Athanassios Diakos Street, from the rock of the Olympian Land to the Kalirrhoe Fountain. The Olympeion was the most significant temple of this site, but there were also many other smaller temples).
In 1778, in the years of the Turkish Occupancy, the Arch of Hadrian was incorporated in the eastern part of the Turkish fortification of Athens and was modified to a gate, known as “The Door of the princess”. Today, this fortification no longer exists, but the lovely Arch of Hadrian still stands there, a wonderful ancient monument that keeps beautifying the city.
Arch of Hadrian, outside the archaeological site of Olympeion, Vasilissis Amalias Avenue, Athens, closest metro station Acropolis.