Агия Анна
Сама деревня Агия Анна расположена на вершине холма с прекрасным видом на моря, а на берегу имеется несколько туристических поселков с тем же именем. Считается. что побережье было заселено с каменного века. По крайней мере об этом факте говорят археологические находки. Также это место (из-за расположения) было в свое время излюбленной мишенью пиратов.
О местных фольклорных традициях лучше всего узнать в местном музее, посвященном искусству и быту северной Эвбеи Он располагается в довольно традиционном строении. Среди экспонатов можно встретить текстильные изделия, сельскохозяйственные орудия, множество фотографий и многое другое. музей отрыт по будням с 8:30 до 13:30.
Как добраться до пляжей Акгали Агия Анна:
- на машине из Афин (147 км) по трассе A1/E75, далее по местной трассе Халкида-Эдипсос
- на машине из Халкиды (69 км) по трассе Халкида-Эдипсос
- на автобусе из Афин с автовокзала Лиссион до Халкиды, далее до пляжа Агия Анна (ежедневные рейсы летом 3 раза в день), тел. автовокзала Халкиды: +30 22210 20 400
Фото и текст: Александр Фролов
Agia Anna
The village of Agia Anna in the North Euboea is one of the most popular summer destinations. And it is no wonder why... First of all, the beach of the village (it is called Agkali) is the biggest of Euboea: Almost 9 km of fine white sand that embraces the crystal clear blue waters of the Aegean Sea. Then it is the village itself: Built on the green slope of the hill Kotsaris, with an outstanding view to the sea, it retains its local color with lovely houses with tiled roofs. It took its name from the miraculous icon of
Saint Anna, which is guarded in the beautiful namesake church of the village.
It is believed that the settlement has been inhabited since the Stone Age, according to the archaeological findings in the area, such as various tools of flint. Due to its strategic position, very close to the sea, it has also been a favorite target of the pirates. Today, only the modern “pirates” make friendly raids in the beautiful village, enjoying the beauties of the nature and the sea.
If you want to know more about the rich local tradition, you should definitely visit the Folklore Museum of Agia Anna. Housed in a beautiful traditional building, the museum presents exchellent samples of folklore art of the North Euboea. Among the exhibits there are household items, traditional textiles, agricultural tools and tools used in farming, weapons, traditional knitted and woven and rich photographic material (Monday to Friday: 8:30-13:30. Closed on Saturday and Sunday).
Besides the beautiful nature and the very interesting museum, however, the main reason you will visit the Agia Anna is Agkali, its fabulous beach. It is located about 6 km from the village and is a dreamy place. The sea is so delightful, you will be hardly able to get out of the waters, especially if you like the big waves. The first few kilometers of the sandy beach are super organized, while dozens of cafes, taverns and restaurants are spread in the area, offering fresh fish and local delights. There are also many accommodations, so you can either choose to stay in the village or just a breath away from the sea. The beach is also famous for its camping, where you can stay even if you do not have a tent, since the place features also bungalows.
As for the ones who like to combine the relaxation with a bit of clubbing, the place will not disappoint you at all, since various clubs and beach bars will take care of your night fun (before or after your night dive to the amazing sea waters).
How to get there: By car from Athens (distance 147 km) via A/D PAThE/A1/E75 and EO Chalkida-Aidipsos, from Chalkida (distance 69,7 km) via EO Chalkida-Aidipsos. By bus from Athens to Chalkida and then to the beach of Agia Anna (three daily routes from Chalkida to Agia Anna, during the summer months). Athens bus station (260 Liossion street, Athens), tel.: +30 210 83 22 997. Chalkida bus station, tel.: +30 22210 20 400.
Τext: Marilou Pantazi