Белла Врака
Как добраться до пляжа Белла Врака в Сивоте:
- на машине из Афин (447 км) по трассе Е65
- на машине из Арты (112 км) по трассе Эгнатия Одос А2\Е90
- на машине из Парги (33,2 км) по местной трассе Парга-Пердика
- на машине из Превезы (88,8 км) по трассе Е55
- на машине из Янины (97,9 км) по трассе А2\Е90
- на машине из Игуменицы (26 км) по трассе Превеза-Игуменица
- на автобусе из Афин с автовокзала Кифисью до Игуменицы (далее до Сивоты). Из Игуменицы до Сивоты ходят 2 ежедневных автобуса, время в пути - 40 минут. Автостанция Игуменицы, тел. +30 26650 22 309
Фото и текст: Александр Фролов
Bella Vraka
The queen beach of Syvota is a like a secret waiting to be revealed. It connects Syvota with the islet Mourtemeno and is one of the most exotic beaches of Epirus.
Reaching the place is like a pleasant adventure. After you pass Syvota, you park the car and you continue on foot. You descend a paved sinuous pathway that is almost hanging over the sea, offering a breathtaking view to the heavenly bay. At the end of the pathway, a narrow strip of sand is waiting for you. This is the right time and place to get rid of your clothes and put everything on your bags, because you will need to walk into the water in order to reach the islet and its fine beach. You are already in paradise...
Imagine a small bay, surrounded by overgrown hills, absolutely protected by the winds. The waters of the sea are crystal clear, turquoise and as transparent and calm as the pool’s waters. Bella Vraka is literally a dreamy place. It looks like a private paradise due to its location, yet it is not private at all, since is always full of people. You will definitely need to have sun umbrellas and refreshments with you, because the beach is not organized (it is too small anyway) and the sun is hot.
The Bella Vraka is also the favorite spot of the windsurfers, since the beach features a windsurfing school. So, apart from the swimmers, the beautiful bay is also full of windsurfers (watch your head!) and sometimes you may even see small cruise boats anchored, bringing tourists for a visit and a quick dive.
How to get there: The Bella Vraka Beach is about 2 km from Syvota. You get to Syvota by car from Athens (distance 447 km) via E65, from Arta (distance 112 km) via E55, from Preveza (distance 88,8 km) via E55, from Ioannina (distance 97,9 km) via Egnatia Odos/A2/E90, from Parga (distance 33,2 km) via Provincial Road Parga-Perdika, from Igoumenitsa (distance 26,7 km) via National Highway Preveza-Igoumenitsa. By bus from Athens (or other Greek cities) to Igoumenitsa and then to Syvota. There are two daily routes from Igoumenitsa to Syvota and the trip lasts about 40 minutes. Athens bus station (100 Kifissou street, Athens), tel.: +30 210 51 25 954. Igoumenitsa bus station, tel.: +30 26650 22 309.
Τext: Marilou Pantazi